Een revolutie in de wetenschap

United Academics mikt op een heuse revolutie in de wetenschap. We bouwen aan een repository waar iedereen gratis alle Open Acces gepubliceerde papers kan downloaden in één klik. Onder het motto Connect Science & Society heeft United Academics ook een online magazine. Ik begon er drie jaar geleden als blogger en ben nu eindredacteur. Tientallen bloggers over de hele wereld schrijven mee. Heb je ook een passie voor wetenschap? Stuur me eens een artikel. Dan kijken we samen hoe we

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Is Twitter ruining our proper English?

"Hey al im on my way 2wrk but i totes 4got 2bring ur ipod sori il hav 2 bring it nxt tym ur workin. Hav a nice day xo" Gives you the cramps? Maybe you are a bit of a language purist then.Ora pedant. That's at least how Stephen Fry would describe you. In the following video, with his lovely British accent and some pleasant word-art of Matthew Rogers, he's pretty clear about it:Please stop wining if you 'love' language

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Is it better to be a morning person?

Always get an energy boost after your after dinner dip? Or are you that kind of person that wakes up before the alarm? Big chance you are either one of those people, and an even bigger chance that you are sometimes jealous of the other group. It’s nice to not turn into a boring tired person before the party begins and to be able to sleep until you really have to get up. Or is it nicer to don’t have

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Collective memory: are our minds connected?

Why do humans often make independent but similar discoveries at about the same time? What makes us repetitively stumble upon that new word or phenomenon that we just learned about the other day? And how do mice know all about our poison and traps? Is it because all members of a species share a thelepathic-like collective memory? It is an idea suggested by just a few scientists without much actual data to build upon, yet it recieved a lot of

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Beauty is in the brain of the beholder

‘Take a look at this drawing of a flower and a butterfly’, designer Richard Seymour once asked hisTED-audience. ‘Look at it and feel. Do you think it is beautiful? Now take another look after I have told you that this drawing was the last act on this world of a five year old girl that died of cancer. Feel again. Do you now experience something different?’ The little experiment made the audience rethink the experience of beauty. A feeling that,

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The 5 powers of story telling

We humans don't stand a chance against stories. What our ancestors were doing around the campfire still has a great impact on us. So if you need to do a speech, keep these 5 powers of storiesin mind: 1. Action Your audience might be passively sitting down when listening to your speech, but you can activate many parts of their brains by telling them a little story. Adding action is always good. Brain scans have shown that when listeners hear

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How boys and girls react to peer pressure

Picture a group of almost identically dressed girls sitting and giggling together. Then think of a couple of boys walking around kicking garbage cans. In which one of these two groups would individuals have the most trouble sticking to their own values? Two Croatian researchers were curious and set up an experiment to measure susceptibility to peer pressure of 475 high school students. First they asked them to fill in various questionnaires about peer pressure and attachment to friends. Just

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Hikikomori: Japanese teens stay in room for years

It is one of these weird things we hear about Japan and makes us wonder if it is true. Do Japanese teenagers really lock themselves up in their room for years? Why? Does this only happen in Japan? And is this an official psychological disorder? Hikikomori, or withdrawn, people are mostly young Japanese men or boys, at around age 15, from middle class families, two BBC journalists write in an article about the phenomenon. The youngsters feel a lot of

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5 Failed future predictions of 1988

In the L.A. Times of April third, 1988, journalist Nicole Yorkin paints a picture of a family’s regular workday in 2013. With the help of futurologists and technology specialists she predicts many things strikingly well, like all sorts of communication via internet. But other fantasies we are still waiting for now that it is 25 years later, if they ever enter our daily lives at all. Five examples: 1. The biggest dream that didn’t yet make it to reality is

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Facebookfriends are fake: 150 is human max

It’s tempting and easy to think we are now much more civilized, intelligent and worldly human beings than those hunters and gatherers from the past. But, in fact, our brains barely evolved since then. Societies may have changed dramatically, we are still bound to move about in groups of just a 150 friends. Hunters and gatherers lived in groups of roughly 150 people. When the clan grew bigger, they split up. That number is still alive today, limiting sizes of

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